About Me

diana Gencheva

I am a Certified Neurographica Instructor, Aesthetic Coach, Certified Life Coach from Robbins-Madanes Training, and Certified K-Power Instructor.

I was born in Bulgaria into a humble working-class family. I studied Business Administration, but I always felt that my mission was something else.
15 years ago I came to live in Cyprus with the idea that it would be short-lived, but as often happens, temporary things become permanent. And this was one of the greatest decisions I’ve made in my life. I can say that I have gone through quite challenging and difficult situations in my life, but thanks to my positive attitude and beliefs, everything was resolved in the best way for me.

To get to where I am now, I first had to turn to myself and look at what was going on inside me and change what didn’t work for me. At the beginning, I was reading a lot of books, but I realized that they are not enough for my growth. Then I started to visit some courses and coaching programs, where I learned more about myself and about life. That’s how I joined Tony Robbins’ life coaching program. A little later I became acquainted with what totally changed my life – Neurographica.


part of the certificates for the successfully completed trainings


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