Ten Principles of Neurographica

Ten Principles of Neurographica

The main principles of Neurographica are like the basic principles of human life: it has a soul, the soul is placed in the form, and the form is determined by principles. This also happens in Neurographica. Therefore, each artist develops the life of the soul –  dreams, and fantasies.

The object of drawing in Neurographica is the subject – it is the artist who ultimately is a work of art, and not the picture. And the person is a work of art when one draws – remember, this applies to everyone. 

It doesn’t matter who says what about your work, how a skeptic, critic or anyone else will appreciate it. What matters is what happens to you in this life. 

We live in the third millennium – a time when a person is much more important than any product of his activity.


When it comes to images, we have the opportunity to collect multiple meanings within one image.

For example, the image of a house integrates the sum of the meanings associated with it: childhood, parents, one’s room, growing energy, early memories …

Images integrate meanings, which means that, when dealing with images, we have the opportunity to assemble a whole cascade of meanings in one image.

Thus  the graphic image makes it possible to combine on one sheet what is difficult to say in one sentence or even to connect to in a story. On one sheet, you can draw completely different images. On the one hand, the image may look contradictory, but on the other, it turns out that a large number of meanings can be placed on one sheet, thereby combining them. From the point of view of integrative practice, the unification of meanings is a key and even leading function that we need to be able to implement.

second principle


Each person has a complex of conditions associated with a particular word. We fundamentally refer to them as an internal environment, an internal space that projects these very states and expresses them through meanings.

For example, referring to the word “luck”, each person has several or one mental state that is tied to it – a personal experience, a set of emotions or any ideas. That is, one meaning “luck” contains a set of states or one, but filled with a large number of emotions, ideas, and fantasies.

Such a set may even turn into a certain strategy of representations and actions. We can see how meanings contain states when we turn to the impressions of our personal inner space, which ultimately projects these states and expresses them through meaning. Therefore, it is with meaning that we work within the practice of Neurographica.


A problem is the product of the mind

Only one thing needs to be understood: no one on earth, except humans, tend to find problems with anything. All living things live very simply, naturally, in a stream. The problem of those living in a stream is only one – they are not very aware. 

When a person tries to solve a certain problem, he sets the meanings, turns to thinking, to the world of contradictions, to the world of duality. But these dualities are nowhere else than in one’s consciousness. 

When we turn to Neurographica and draw, we start the intellectual process so that this problem, this generating of the mind, turns into some neural cloud, energy that leads us towards harmony. And then the mind can generate many different creative ideas.


The solution has the quality of bionics. It is always irrational, always unconscious. The solution to a problem is something that resonates from within every cell of the body, with experience, with that part of us that is living and natural. Therefore, we can say that a rational, intellectual solution is not real. It was invented. After all, a solution that does not have the quality of bionics does not penetrate inside, does not give us an impulse to life, that is, in fact, it is not a solution.

 The real solution, the one we are striving to find, must have some kind of connection with the nature of being, with the nature surrounding us, and with our personal nature. After all, decisions strive for embodiment if they possess the power of nature. In this sense, Neurographica is a bio-key to solving our problems.


This is not only one of the basic principles of Neurographica, but also one of the basic principles of human life in general. 

Harmony is a common feeling that everyone can experience: harmony with the environment, with the cosmos, with oneself.

There are many definitions and descriptions of harmony, but the main one suggests that harmony is the balance of everything that happens in life. It gives a person a state of stability, reliability, and most importantly, satisfaction, which is a bodily manifestation of harmony when a person says: “Yes, I am happy.” 

Satisfaction is a state of touching harmony. This is the foundation on which our life stands, because everyone wants to be happy.

People who draw Neurographica, through the achievement of harmony in their drawing, come to a state of satisfaction, and then to a feeling of happiness.


In Neurographica, you can draw the past and the future, relationship diagram, dreams, feelings – longing, pain, as well as success, luck, and happiness. Within one system, one Neurographica drawing, with the utilization of a marker we can reconcile contradictions, because, as we have already said, you can draw anything you want!


That is so because absolutely any task can be translated into graphics, into a sign, into a symbol, which is the basis for visual thinking.  And then the transformation of the sign, transformation of the symbol according to certain drawing algorithms allows to start the thinking mechanism in such a way that this will lead to the solution of the task. In this sense, any life task – issues of business, personal life, inner harmony, communication – has a graphic solution.

The graphic alphabet of Neurographica allows us to simulate the desired events in human life.

The paper on which we draw is not really a piece of paper or even a wall, but something much more … After all, life is a drawing. What interests our creative part, or the topic that we hold in our mind, is combined into one continuous pattern, a pattern that we carry in ourselves. And this is not something that can be cut into pieces.

In Neurographica, when we draw a fragment of life, we actually draw the whole life. The present is always limited on two sides – the past and the future. When we draw the present, we create some kind of junction between them. But, in general, this is a fragment limited to a piece of paper. It is necessary to draw the lines as if these borders do not exist. And one must also live the same way, letting go of the borders.

That is why the plane of the paper has no boundaries. And if you do not have enough space – just take a larger paper size, add more paper.

Borders exist only in our mind – in fact, they do not exist. The borders were invented by “logisticians” who needed to cut paper; people who put us in a matrix frame. But we live in a flow! Just as our mental images are endless, so the space of their visualization is unlimited. Even if we draw only a part of the figure in the corner, the brain will understand that this figure exists as complete in our mind.


To the statement that the world consists of shapes and lines, you can look metaphorically and graphically. 

When we analyze a fragment of life, we create shapes. Our activities are built around them. But in these shapes, often there are not enough lines that would unite the shapes among themselves; there is not enough transition from one event to another.

The life process is the shapes and the lines connecting them.

Our neurographic composition always consists of shapes and lines; and it is the lines that bind it, turning it into something whole, into a single pattern called life. Because even the most complex objects are just the sum of simple shapes: squares, triangles and circles


This is not just a phrase. Drawing as a tool of visual thinking arose in the minds of people many millions of years before a person began to speak. 

Drawing is a way of “talking”, talking with oneself, with close and distant people about the most diverse circumstances of life. In this sense, the definition of oneself and the environment through lines and graphics, like rock art, so to say – a function at the level of instincts. Therefore, it is simple to draw: not because this ability is easy to master, but because it is written inside each of us, in our genes. The fact that people stopped painting is a degradation. Drawing returns to humanity, to the basic language of communication, which is perceived by our whole being.

Therefore, Neurographica is also a school that helps to recreate the skill of simple drawing for each person 

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