How many drawings?

How many drawings do I need to make on my topic to achieve the desired results?

It all depends on how big and complex the topic is for you and how much time and energy you need to devote to working out its various aspects.

It is necessary to check whether you have limiting beliefs, fears, and other blockages related to the completion of the topic, how long it will take you to reach the desired results, do you have the necessary resources and a lot of other questions.

And so we need to create a plan of steps to work with.
I have had a case where with just one drawing, my client achieved the desired goal. But this is very rare, sometimes 2-3 drawings are enough to achieve the desired result, and sometimes a little more work is needed on the given topic.


It is a very individual process in which we need to immerse ourselves and transform and polish the various details of it.
Thus, we create a case where we draw several drawings on the given topic using different algorithms and models from neurographica.
We work together and draw neurographica until the client decides that she has achieved the desired result that she determined at the beginning of our work together.

By drawing Neurographica we achieve positive changes in our lives with ease and beauty.

* Don’t hesitate to try it too!
* You don’t need to have any drawing experience!
* Drawing neurographica is very easy!

For more information DM me, I would love to answer any question you have!

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